Silence as tantamount to acceptance.
This is still true here in Madagascar with regard to rape and domestic violence.
The culture of silence prevails. Domestic violence is not taken seriously enough. When the woman is economically deprived, her own voice is not heard even in a case of extreme necessity. The burdens of proof remains a difficult element to put forward in the case of a household with or without children, where a blanket of secrecy is heavily placed on the victim.
The covid19, lockdown and the halt on production in some companies have worsened the situation of women, who have already been in a precarious situation and dependent on their spouses.
We hope that things will gradually change. Legally, Malagasy women have all the protections necessary against discrimination, unfortunately, the practice, use and customs do not follow. In November 2019, Madagascar voted a law (1) punishing gender-based violence. Offenders now face sentences of six months to five years in prison and fines of up to 4 million ariary (about US$1,000).
During our School For Women session every first Saturday of the month, Education For Madagascar welcomes anyone who is a victim of psychological, verbally or physically abusive behaviour. Our health centre is opened every Saturday in the care of our general practitioner and a team to listen, advise and treat the women of the village in distress. In the case of a critical situation, we refer them to a specialised institution.
(1) Malagasy law n° 2019-008-VBG on 13 Décembrer 2019

25 November
International Day
To eliminate Violence against Women and Girls
Silence ! Get into line.
Silence vs Consensus.

Illustration :
Sorrow 1882 01
by Vincent Van Gogh

Watercolor ArtWork
Stop violence against women by Carter de Alejos
Alone by Carter de Alejos