Education for Madagascar aims to alleviate the burden of poverty on underprivileged families.
Firstly, through educational support, then through adequate information sessions on health and environmental conservation.
"Food aid" does not align with our operation method. However, exceptionally, this year we are distributing food and soap.
The COVID-19 coronavirus health pandemic is generating a financial distress and likely an economic crisis. Our children and their parents have been invited to stay at home by the government, for 15 additional days, as a result of which many parents are technically unemployed.
The health kit offered each Saturday during this period contains 2 kg of rice per child, 800g bar of soap and two face covering masks for a weekly supply.
In such a context, the basic rules of hygiene must be absolutely respected on the need to disinfect public places, to re-organise the open-air markets, to remind in all minds why we must avoid overcrowding, nowadays. We are working on the measures to be taken in our community, at our level, to prevent future contagious diseases.
Thank you to Doctor Suzy Ratsimbazafy and the junior team volunteers, for participating, in a small group, in this day of sharing.