Madagascar is sadly one of the world's poorest country in the world.
* 54% of the population is less than 20 years old.
* Only 1 out of 3 children
completes primary education.
* Only 20% of teachers are civil servants
97% do not have a professional teaching diploma.
* At the end of primary school only 17% of students have minimum reading competencies (French or English) and 20% for maths.
* It is a cause and effect situation :
the average family lives with less than $2 a day.
We aim to prevent and relieve poverty for children, women and families. We started helping the village of Ambohibe Antananarivo and will expand to help children and mothers throughout the other regions of Madagascar, the most in need, in the provision of Education, training and healthcare projects.
Despite extreme poverty they are facing every day, despite the poor level of education - the adults literacy rate is about 64.5%,
Our goal is to make our children ready for the challenges of tomorrow, so they thrive at every stage of their lives. First, we support recurrent costs of the education fees, we provide a guidance on children and young people's academic, extracurricular, towards a better future, in the most proactive way possible, for their economic independence as a long-term target. We encourage him to become a successful learner. We follow a continuous improvement in each child performance, every year.
Then, we focus on helping mothers who are the guardian of the parenting balance. Health and the wellbeing of the mother have also to be achieved to ensure a good education in the long term.
Last but not least, we raise the awareness to protect the Malagasy environment, since Madagascar lost 90% of its rainforest and 200.000 ha of them go up in smoke, every year. The big island is burning and we all together need to learn how to prevent the land and how to avoid the collapse of the environment.
All the way, our philosophy, our culture and the way we direct our activities are all aimed at promoting a civic behavior and a personal development in this regard.
We consider three intrinsically linked components :
Education, Health and Environment.
Our motto is :
quality, sharing and ethics.
Our organisation is non religious,
we don’t take part in political activities.
The children of today
are the Adults and Deciders of tomorrow.

One 16 GB tablet could hold about 3,800 electronic books. Using a wide variety of learning Apps is a possibility to challenge the distance and the transportation cost of heavy books to Madagascar. More...
All along the year, we arrange contact between malagasy children and french/english speaking students directly or through technology, for a linguistic and cultural exchange. More...

On a weekly basis, our 90 kids are following foreign languages lesson, civic education campaign focused on quality, ethics and the respect of the environment. We aim to set up a teaching method widely inspired from the Montessori programs, where kids discover, copy and finally create on their own, most gifted or knowledgeable ones explaining to the youngest.
Education is not only an academic matter. In a weekly basis, the children perform in Arts : drawing, painting, music. The Chess club is coming soon...
Most of our children have no parental help to better understand the world. Once a year, we organise a career day with various professionals : An environmentalist, an ornithologist, an artist, a company director, a banker, a doctor, a geologist, a marathon winner and a tourism expert were the panelists on 2018. All were generous enough to dedicate a whole day to share insights of their work and passion to our kids. More...
Last but not least, the resources centre already in place in Antananarivo has deployed for more than two years a set of 19 iPad tablets, fully able to provide materials for coding, on top of existing resources already available.
It’s time now to go to a higher step by:
- Bringing a good Internet connection to find more resources online and to communicate with other school partners in UK.
- Attached to the learning, to purchase small set of robots, piloted by code, to bring a new perspective to the value of the code and to show the real effect on the real world. More...
We have two health programs in progress in 2019
Volunteering doctor and nurse offer services, medical checking and health care. Diabets, high blood pressure, HIV are checked in a regular basis to mothers and fathers. We provide a healthy lunch for each child/young person every day.
in partnership with Interplast Switzerland
For the patients who needs reconstructive surgery after burns, tumors, congenital malformations, hand injuries.
Step one in November 2019 (preparation phase)
Step two in 2020.
This is a health and economic related project, especially for prevention. Health is one of the key factors for successful child development. This success would be achieved through the family, the mother and ultimately the woman.
We gather women living the village of Ambohibe once a month to explain, to share, to talk and to discuss about subjects such as the family planning, the parenthood, the education on sexuality, the women's rights, the protection against domestic violence, the home based economic activities and low cost and natural beauty treatments. More...
Ambila Lemaitso
Soamiandalana - Reforestation
Teaching and sharing our experience to combine waste management and gardening tips.