Waste management is a great way to grow your own fruits and vegetables garden.
1. Build a decent wooden compost heap
2. Pick the perfect spot for your compost heap
We recommend to site it on a level, well-drained spot to ensure that any excess water drains away easily.
3. Let the worms do the hard work
Nature has provided us with the perfect waste disposal unit in the worm. They can live their whole lives in the dark. The tiger worm (Eisenia fetida) is the most efficient one.
4. Put the right stuff in
Vegetable peelings, fruit waste, teabags, plant prunings and grass cuttings. These are fast to break down and provide important nitrogen amd moisture. Scrunched up paper and fallen leaves, crushed eggshells can be included to add useful minerals.
5. Don’t put the wrong stuff in
No meat or dairy products. No diseased plants, and definitely no dog poo or cat litter, or babies’ nappies. Putting any of these in your compost will lead to unwanted pests and smells. Remember that plastics, glass and metals are not suitable for composting and should be recycled separately.
6. Get the balance right
What is the key to a good compost : getting the mix right, properly balanced your ‘greens’ and ‘browns’. If your compost is too wet, add more ‘browns’. If it’s too dry, add some ‘greens’.
7. Give it a good airing
A well-cared-for compost heap requires regular turning. Turning your compost helps to aerate and mix up the waste and cuttings, which leads to faster composting.
8. Don’t Boost to the system with chemicals
We dont recommend the boost the ensure we get organic compost
9. Turn fallen leaves into compost too
Fallen leaves are a good source of compost. It’s fine to add these to your compost bin
10. Getting the best out of your compost
When your compost is ready you’ll have a dark brown, almost black soil-like layer at the bottom of your bin. It should have a spongy texture and will be rich in nutrients. Spreading the finished compost into your flowerbeds greatly improves soil quality by helping it retain moisture and suppressing weeds.
Avoid the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.