To relieve poverty in Madagascar


Goals and Strategic actions
The execution of the strategic plan will be carried out through the three core pillars :
To ensure inclusive holistic education and promote lifelong learning
For an organisation worthy of trust
Accessible to all thanks to the generosity at each level.
To ensure inclusive holistic education and promote lifelong learning,
Montessori as an Aid to Life.
Goal 1 : Quality Montessori programmes
1. AMI Certification: An educator certified by the AMI Association Montessori International for the age level of the group of children in their care.
2. Class size: The size of the class is large enough (25-30) to produce expected results
3. Class composition: Akanin’ny kilonga is made up of children from three to six years.
4. Schedule: A Montessori day is a normal school day. The work of the children is respected and not interrupted or disturbed in any way by adult-designed scheduling.There should be a minimum of 4 consecutive days per week with a minimum of 4,5 days per week.
5. Materials : The Montessori materials as a whole, constitutes aids to the development of the child, to allow the child to explore the world, to grasp it and to build himself.
6. Training for parents in their native language and organising the school for parents.
Goal 2 : Prepared Environment
1. Indoor environment: child size of all furniture, tables, chairs, shelves and materials.
2. Outdoor environment: practical activities for care of the environment, gardening, care of plants and animals
3. Water Saving programme by developing dry toilets and the use of a rain tank
4. Energy Saving by expanding Permaculture projects to families and Implementing Solar Panel
5. Biodiversity Protection through trees and mangrove planting
Goal 3 : Children's languages
1. In the Children’s house, there will be an environment that supports the development of controlled movement, language, independence and self-discipline
2. Children are invited to exhibit high levels of concentration, through the use of the scientific pedagogical material. We work to establish culture of respect, empathy and social harmony.
3. Trilingualism Malagasy French English by Hiring native speaker guides, through Partnership with international clubs and schools
4. Putting in place Cultural and linguistic exchange projects.
For a school worthy of trust
Goal 4 : Child and human rights
1. Montessori Methodology of Observation will be applied.
2. The school will raise a clear and strong plea against child labour and abuse of any kind.
3. Registration will take account the equal opportunities for girls and boys.
Goal 5 : Good governance
1. The school commits to operate with the law and meet all local health and safety regulations.
2.The elected Board of Directors of the Organisation is committed to implementing written procedures that ensure continuous quality in management and compliance. The financial statements are audited and certified by an external auditor.
3.The school offers support, guidance and observation opportunities for the parents and the community.
Goal 6 : Transparency
Open and straightforward on the operations through Publication.
For a school accessible to all, thanks to the generosity at each level.
Gratefully !
Goal 7 : Awareness
1. Children spontaneously teach children.
2. Sponsored under-graduated students are hired as volunteers.
3. The school organises personal development and team building events on a regular basis.
Goal 8 : Public Interest
Free education for children in needs with a priority for low income but motivated families.
Goal 9 : National inclusion
Advocate for a Massive change in national education policy through the partnership with the Ministry of Education in Madagascar
Goal 10 : International outlook
1. Strengthen the partnership with Government and Non Government bodies
3. With Reseau UNESCO
4. With AMF Association Montessori de France and AMI Association Montessori Internationale

Akka Montessori School
Akanin'ny kilonga
In Malagasy "Akany" means House, "Kilonga" means Children
was born in 1870 in Chiaravalle, Italy and died in 1952 in Noordwijk in the Netherlands. Raised from a very traditional male dominated family, her wish to study further was supported by her mother. She then could face the social and cultural limits dedicated to women at that time. At the end, she was able to study at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Rome. From there she was interested in the physical and psychological development of the child from birth.
She first work with deficient children and realise that these children learn like all children. She also undertook studies in Anthropology that led her to a teaching chair in pedagogical anthropology in the University of Rome.
In 1907, Maria Montessori heard about children for whom parents are looking for a care system and decided to take care of them. The same year she opened the first children’s house “la casa dei Bambini” in San Lorenzo, Rome, which welcomed young children. She has used this experience to develop and implement educational materials that children can actually experience.
In 1909, in Italy, Maria Montessori gave the first training course in her pedagogy, attended by about a hundred teachers. She also published Volume 1 of Scientific Pedagogy, a book in which she explains her method and origins.
In 1930, Maria Montessori met with Anna Freud, participates in the Congress of Education, met with Mahatma Gandhi in 1931. She gave training courses and conferences.
In 1949, she published The Absorbent Mind, in which she transmitted her spiritual and philosophical approach to the child, among many other books.
She has dedicated her life to the human being.
Montessori pedagogy has inspired thousands of teachers around the world, leading to the creation of many nursery and primary schools, middle schools and high schools.
As a proud Montessorian parents, la "casa dei Bambini" was the most evident inspiration for the launch of Akanin'ny Kilonga in Antananarivo Madagascar, for a first step.
Dr Maria Montessori

Prepared Environment ...

"A prepared environment begins as soon as the child enters the school premises. The short walk from the entrance to the classroom should be beautiful, attractive and instructive. The most ideal approach is to awaken the senses as soon as they enter the school, focusing on "beauty".
The more "beautiful" the surroundings, the more respect children will have for their environment and for nature. Let's avoid lecturing children about things they need to do to respect the environment, because it's not they who are responsible for damaging things. Let's offer them beautiful things in nature.
A well-prepared environment starts when you enter the garden, and it's even better if the child can take part in its care."
Patricia Peterson Fontenay