One 16 GB tablet could hold about 3,800 electronic books. Using a wide variety of learning Apps is a possibility to challenge the distance and the transportation cost of heavy books to Madagascar. Click on the star...
Education is not only an academic matter. In a weekly basis, the children perform in Arts : drawing, painting, music. The Chess club is coming soon...
We host volunteers : doctor, nurse, who could offer services and medical checking and health care, in a regular basis. We provide a healthy lunch for each child/young person every day.
All along the year, we arrange contact between malagasy children and french/english speaking students directly or through technology, for a linguistic and cultural exchange.

Opening times :
Every Saturday 9 am - 4 pm
During Summer holidays
Monday to Saturday 9 am - 4 pm
Teaching and sharing our experience to combine waste management and gardening tips.
Click on the star
Click on the star...
Lemur Park
Ambila Lemaitso
Idilana - reforestation part I

Last but not least, the resources centre already in place in Antananarivo has deployed for more than two years a set of 19 iPad tablets, fully able to provide materials for coding, on top of existing resources already available.
It’s time now to go to a higher step by:
- Bringing a good Internet connection to find more resources online and to communicate with other school partners in UK.
- Attached to the learning, to purchase small set of robots, piloted by code, to bring a new perspective to the value of the code and to show the real effect on the real world.
Most of our children have no parental help to better understand the world. Once a year, we organise a career day with various professionals :
An environmentalist, an ornithologist, an artist, a company director, a banker, a doctor, a geologist, a marathon winner and
a tourism expert.
All were generous enough to dedicate a whole day to share insights of their job and passion to our kids.
On a weekly basis, our 80 kids are following foreign language lessons, civic education campaign focused on quality, ethics and the respect of the environment. We aim to set up a teaching method widely inspired from the Montessori programs, where kids discover, copy and finally create on their own, most gifted or knowledgeable ones explaining to the youngest.